Thursday, April 7, 2016

Spring Cleaning

Here it is, my master cleaning list for spring!

*Remember I use this list in conjunction with my regular weekly cleaning list.
You can find the weekly list by clicking here.

Just Washed:  Decorative Glass

Clean out and organize every cabinet and drawer
Remove all decorative items from top of cabinets, clean and put back
Windex or wash all glassware
Wash all faux plants
Clean out fridge
Clean out oven/ stovetop
Clean out mircowave
Wipe down dishwasher
Take down and wash curtains
Clean windows and blinds
Wash rugs

Clean out and organize every cabinet and drawer
Remove all decorative items from top of cabinets, clean and put back
Windex or wash all glassware
Wash all faux plants
Wipe down appliances
Clean out lint trap (dryer vent & house vent)
Wash rugs
Clean out utility closet

Windex or wash all glassware
Take down and wash curtains
Clean windows and blinds
Wash all faux plants
Clean out and organize all cabinets, drawers and closets
Clean and organize all toy bins
Vacuum under and behind all furniture
Shampoo carpets

Windex or wash all glassware
Take down and wash curtains
Clean windows and blinds
Wash all faux plants
Clean out and organize all cabinets, drawers and closets
Clean and organize all toy bins (kid's rooms)
Vacuum under and behind all furniture
Shampoo carpets

Windex or wash all glassware
Take down and wash shower curtains
Wash all faux plants
Clean out and organize all cabinets, drawers and closets
Clean and organize all toy bins (kid's bath)
Wash rugs

Clean out file cabinet, organize files and shred unneeded papers
Clean computer of excess photos/ videos, move to external storage
Organize remaining computer files

Donate or sell all unwanted/ unneeded items found when cleaning closets, cabinets and drawers.

Cleaning Faux Plants

Depending on the season, there are a couple of different ways to easily wash your faux plants.

When the weather is warm I take them outside and dunk them into a bucket of soapy water.  Rinse with the hose and let dry in the sun.

When the weather is cold I dunk them into the big master tub, filled with soapy water.  Once washed, drain the tub and rinse with clean water.  Let dry in the tub or spread out on towels.  If you use this method, you will need to clean your tub out afterward ;)

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