Thursday, August 31, 2017

Faux Food Fun & a Little Business

I've been meaning to get to this faux food post for awhile now, but first I need to attend to a little business...

My Grandma has brought it to my attention that she frequently comments on my blog posts, and wondered if I had been seeing them...huh???

Well, the answer is.....nope!  The thing is, for some reason, I thought that if I received comments that I would get a notification or something.  Apparently I need to actually click on the comments tab and check for myself.....regularly 😁

I just wanted to let everyone know that I have now made a point to read (and respond to) every single comment, all the way back to 2014!  I'm going to get in the habit now of checking my comments tab regularly, and of course, I'll make sure to respond! 😎😘

Love you Grandma!


Now on to this fabulous faux food post!

Last Christmas I received a few decorative food gifts and
I can't wait to share the photos, check them out:


Can you stand it?  These lemonades look so real that Baby Girl and I had to buy some lemonade at the grocery store 😄

The lemonades were ordered from, "Just Dough It" -a fake food and drink replica company.  I highly recommend the business - when one of the glasses arrived cracked, they sent a replacement out right away.  No hassle, no fuss, excellent customer service.

Not only does Just Dough It offer great service, but they sent me a catalog too...22 pages of absolutely adorable food props!  I'm seriously wanting some fake ice cream sundaes now 😌

(You can click here to see these lemonades featured as part of my summer decor)

Side Note:  The rest of the items in this post (pictured below-) were purchased from the
Glitzy Gift Shop via Amazon.

Mini White Cake

Assorted Cookies

Chocolate Cake with Raspberries

The cakes and cookies are all tucked into my china cabinet in the kitchen, and stay out year round.
(You can click here to see the cabinet)

So I know you're wondering, what's the deal with the fake food, plants, etc???  I don't really know, I just love them! 😍

As a child my favorite toys were my kitchen set, dolls and Barbies.  I had sooooo much fun with my toys and my favorite game was to play 'house'.  Even now, I often still feel like I'm 'playing house' (instead of working) and I refer to my artificial items as 'dollhouse decor'.  I guess it's part nostalgia and part contentment with the simple things.  Either way, I love it! 😆


I hope you enjoyed the post, thanks for stopping by!

© Jennifer Adams Flowers 2017

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