Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Weekly Cleaning

Good design starts with the basics, and what's more basic than a clean house?

I am one of those people who enjoys cleaning the house.  I set aside an entire day each week just to clean, it's like my meditation.  I enjoy the way the cleaning products smell as I'm using them and I looooove my house when everything is all done!  

Insider Secret:  Sometimes I hum the music from Cinderella while I scrub away :D :D :D  And my absolute favorite cleaning days are the spring/ fall days when the weather is nice.  I open every single window in the house and get to it!

Given my penchant for cleaning, and the fact that it's now spring, I thought I might share my spring cleaning chore list (.....which I actually already completed in January, because I just can't wait to get started, but that's another story.....)

Anyhow, I was sitting here typing away about my yearly cleaning when I realized a whole lot of things are missing from the list.  Not because I don't do them, but because they are already part of my weekly cleaning. 

 When I start spring (.....ahem, I mean New Year's cleaning.....)  I tackle one room each day and combine my weekly and yearly chores.  That way the weekly cleaning and the extra stuff all gets done at once.

Ok, ok and here is another secret: Just because I call it 'yearly' cleaning doesn't mean I wait and do it once a year.  If for example I think the pillows or rugs need cleaning then I wash them as needed.  Basically, spring/ new year cleaning to me is my chance to clean absolutely everything in the entire house all at once.  Cause, you know,  that kind of thing appeals to me :D :D :D

So without further delay, here is my weekly cleaning list (in the order I follow):

Wipe down and clean out fridge
Wipe down appliances, clean out microwave and stove top. (I do this after every meal too, but hey.....)
Wipe down counters and kitchen table (and chairs cause you know, kids)
Empty/ load dishwasher, clean and sanitize sink (ok, yeah this is daily too)

Change sheets and mattress pad.  I like to Febreeze everything cause it's so, so fresh ;)
I also start the laundry at this point, and keep it going throughout the day.

Change the sheet on the couch, Febreeze the couch and pillows.  There's a sheet on the couch?  Yeah, kids, remember?  :D

Change sheets and Febreeze
Ok, so I know that eventually I have to turn some of these weekly jobs over to them (you know, that whole teaching responsibility thing), but for now I change the sheets.  Baby Girl does make her own bed and they both pick up their toys/ laundry, clean up their dishes, etc :)

Dust the entire house and don't forget the ceiling fans.
I like Swiffer dusters the best because the hold the dust and I can throw it out.  This is awesome for my allergies!

I start in the kitchen with the sliding glass door and work my way through the house cleaning mirrors, table tops and anything finger-printy.  Don't forget the mirrors and counters in the bathrooms!

Scrub tubs, sinks and inside of toilets
(Put the Comet up high because the Little Man likes to help!)

I start at one end of the house and wipe down doorknobs, light switches, remotes, faucets, soap dispensers, keyboards and the outsides/ seats of the toilets.

Vacuum carpeting in entire house, clean and rinse filter/ container afterwards.

Sweep the non-carpeted floors, then mop

Empty all of the trash cans, put the rugs back when floors are dry, enjoy!


Note of Interest:  I don't typically use PhotoShop on this blog, as I often post photos of items to be sold.  In those instances I always use raw images for item accuracy.  However since today's post is a fun and informative one, I thought why not?!  In case you are interested, these photos were edited using the dream filter and vignette border in white.


Yearly list of cleaning chores will be coming soon, thanks for stopping by!


© Jennifer Adams Flowers 2016

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