Friday, June 22, 2018

17 Piece Wedding Package - Pretty in Purple

When I found myself with a free afternoon last weekend,
I ended up pulling together this lovely twilight hued wedding set.

The combination features fabric roses, dahlias, zinnias, crocus and hydrangea in shades of purple and white, all tucked into a silver satin handle trimmed with lavender ribbon and white tulle.  Take a look:


Sometimes inspiration can come from the craziest places.  I was reading The Sorceress (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel)  when I couldn't help but notice how pretty the cover art of the dust jacket was.  And so, this combination of florals soon followed 😊

Side Note:  I was in the Goodwill store when I passed by this book and saw 'Nicholas Flamel' in the title.  I thought, "Wait a minute- isn't Nicholas Flamel that guy from Harry Potter?!?!?!"  And yes, yes it is that same guy.  If you like the Harry Potter series then I recommend the Secrets of Nicholas Flamel series as well.  It turns out that The Sorceress is actually the third book in a set of six so now I'm scouting out the others as well 😎

Bridal Bouquet

Maid of Honor & 'Toss' Bouquet

Bridal Party Bouquets

Corsages & Boutonnieres


This 17 piece package is available in my eBay store now!
Want to see what else is currently available?  Check out my eBay store here

Thanks for stopping by!


© Jennifer Adams Flowers 2018

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Thrifting Haul

A trip to Goodwill brings a lot of decor for less than $25! 
Bonus:  Color of the week tags mean 50% the item and Facebook Friday nets 20% all regular priced items!

Read on to see what I found this time:

Frame $4.99

I can always use another quality photo frame, especially when they are already finished in my favorite color.  This frame is now waiting in my closet for the next photo project that I put together.

Milk Glass .59 & 1.99

As I've been using my milk glass pieces more and more throughout the house, I 'need' to keep a fully stocked supply ready and on hand.  ....Was that believable? Did you guys buy that one?  😁😁😁

Tassels .99 & 1.99

Still in their original packaging, I thought these decorative tassels were absolutely beautiful.  I will probably end up using them with curtains, but for now they are tucked away.  Since we plan on moving in the future I have a bin where I keep decorative items that I want to use later.

Baskets 3.99

I'm always on the lookout for linen lined wicker baskets, so when I saw this set of four I was really happy.  The chocolate brown satin ribbon wasn't my favorite, but that came off easily enough.  Now I use a couple of them next to the bed to stash phone chargers, Chapstick and Kleenex.  The other two are empty but on standby for the next time I need them 😉

Statues $6.99

I have a thing for statuary and these were no exception.  Made from resin, they are lightweight and easily handled but still have the look of heavy stone.  After a good scrub I placed them on the French table in my closet room.

(You can click here to read more about that table)


And that was my Goodwill haul. 
I hope you enjoyed this thrifting post, thanks for stopping by!

© Jennifer Adams Flowers 2018

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

A Thrifted Bedside Table

About a year ago I was thrifting at the local Goodwill store when I came across this pretty, two drawer cabinet for $20.  It was designed to be a large file cabinet, but I thought it would make the perfect bedside table for Husby.

Husby's  'Table'

I think I've talked about this before, but I'm not a go-out-and-buy type of person.  For one thing, I think a lot of people spend too much money on brand new things that they really don't need (oops, did my Granny just pop out of my mouth?!?! 😆).  The whole consumerism mentality bugs me as it's wasteful, unnecessary and bad for the environment. But treasure hunting and thrifting?  Sign. Me. Up!

I absolutely love going out and finding a perfect item at a garage sale or thrift store.  Not only am I saving a ton of money, but I feel good to be recycling too.  Also, it's just plain fun!

I have to admit though, that there is no guarantee of finding exactly what you are looking for the moment you decide you want it.  So instead of completing a space all at once, I'll make do until I come across that perfect item.  Hence, you can see in the picture the closet organizing shelves that Husby had been using prior to me finding the cabinet.  The shelves were neat, clean and served their purpose, but I like to have things pretty too 😁

As Was

Here is a shot of the file cabinet in it's original state.  The large size is perfect for Husby as he can now fit a lamp, his laptop, phone, remotes, drink and a plate of food with room left over 😎  It is also big enough that I can comfortably sit on top of it when I want to say, "Hey, lets talk a long time about stuff" - because men love that. they love talking a very long time about stuff....just kidding.  I don't really bug him like that....that much! 😀😂😄  And really, he's the best.  He actually does spend quite a bit of time talking with me ❤

Anyway, what I didn't like about the cabinet was the color of the drawer pulls, the dark finish of the wooden top and I wasn't sure about the fat, rounded legs.

Painted Pulls

Right away I took of the drawer pulls and spray painted them my favorite shiny gold. I also removed the legs from the bottom.  You can't see it in the photos, but the cabinet now sits directly on the floor.

The Top

After checking out the top, I could see that it is a veneer laminate.  I could sand it down easily enough If I wanted to repaint it, but I would rather it was a lighter wood top.  I decided to keep the wood and paint combination ('cause it's my favorite) but lighten the top with some sort of covering.  I briefly thought about some sort of framed mirror, but yeah, he'd end up breaking that eventually 😇  So in the meantime I tossed an old towel up their just to protect the surface from food an water.  And you know what?  I ended up really liking the way it lightened the wood, so.....

Table Cloth & Accessories

....I pulled out this linen table cloth and folded it to fit the top instead.  I mean he eats there anyway, right? 😉  Then I decided to play around with a few accessories to see how it would look.  A large picture frame, a couple battery candles and an assortment of milk glass did the trick.

So far the items have been able to sit there and not get broken or be in the way, so I think it's going to work.  I wouldn't mind a lamp that was a little larger though.......😊


I hope you enjoyed this thrifting post, thanks for stopping by!

© Jennifer Adams Flowers 2018