Wednesday, July 26, 2017

17 Pc Wedding Package - Lilies, Dahlias, Roses & Orchids

After admiring some photos of Hawaiian scenery, 
I couldn't resist putting together this island inspired wedding package!

Take a look:

This summery combination pulls together a mix of white and pink lilies,
fuchsia dahlias, creamy white roses and white and pink orchids.

Bridal Bouquet

Maid of Honor & Toss


Pin-On Corsages & Boutonnieres


This 17 piece package is available in my eBay store now!
Want to see what else is currently available?  Check out my eBay store here

Thanks for stopping by!


© Jennifer Adams Flowers 2017

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

*Custom* Pinterest Board Covers - Holiday & Seasonal

It's not enough for things to be merely functional for me, I want everything to be pretty too! 
Whether it's my home decor, the insides of my drawers or or even the back of a closet, I want my surroundings to be as organized and beautiful as possible. 

Of course, that carries over into my Pinterest boards as well 😁 

I loved being able to scroll through the Pinterest site -viewing (and pinning) thousands of ideas- but I disliked how cluttered my saved boards looked.  So I decided awhile ago to create my very own custom board covers with MyScrapNook.  Not only are specific boards much easier to find, but the overall effect is visually pleasing 😏

I thought I would go ahead and share the goodness with my fellow pinners and gathered together my most commonly used board covers.  Today I'm featuring the holiday and seasonal categories, but I'll have an upcoming post with my recipe boards as well.  Feel free to use and share these as you wish; they make great printables, labels, and of course, board covers.  Have fun! 😘

(You can click here to visit me on Pinterest)
(You can click here to visit MyScrapNook)

I hope you enjoy these custom board covers, thanks for stopping by!

© Jennifer Adams Flowers 2017

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Treasure Hunting (So Far) - 2017

I've been treasure hunting since April, but I haven't shared any of my fun yet this year.
I thought it was time to update with a few of my favorite finds:


Candles & a Vased Peony

I love my fake candles and I'm always adding to my collection.  These were .25 each.
The artificial peony we found for .50 - it even has faux water! 😍

Milk Glass Saucers

These gold embellished tiny plates were .25 each.

Artificial Ivy

I found this hanging ivy plant for $1 and after removing the ropes, I stuck it on the porch as an outdoor plant.

You can click here to see more of the front porch.

GIANT Candles

Ok, so I was just talking about my faux candle collection, right?  I could not pass up these huge fake candles for $3!

I'll admit, I have no idea what I'm going to do with them, but they make me unreasonably happy 😁

Check out the inset, I didn't think the photo really showed the size of the candles, so I added in a shot for reference.  Yes, that is a standard sized tea pot. 😆😌

Vintage Pyrex & Jadeite

Score, score, score!
Not only did I finally find some pretty patterned vintage Pyrex mixing bowels (.50 each) but I also finally found some Jadeite!

Since Jadeite is harder to find and more valuable, I went ahead and splurged at $25 for the two of these pieces.  I know, I know, to most people $25 isn't all that much.  But I'm used to dealing in quarters and dollars when I treasure hunt, so this was a 'big' purchase for me 😎

Milk Glass Treasure Trove

I was treasure hunting with my Grandma when we found a sale that had a table full of milk glass.  There were only a few pieces that I was interested in (about $8 dollars worth), but the lady who was selling it said that I could take the entire lot for $10.

Of course I had to take that deal!  Not only did I get the pieces that I was interested in, but I'm re-selling the rest for $40.  That breaks down to a profit of $30 in addition to growing my collection.  Success 😘


I'm off now to check the listings for this weeks sales - I hope you enjoyed this treasure hunting post, thanks for stopping by!

© Jennifer Adams Flowers 2017