Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Statue Decor

Sir Lancelot

A long time ago I walked into my Granny's house to see a very ugly statue sitting next to the TV in her living room.  I asked, "Granny, what the hell is that?!?!" and she told me that she bought the statue at a garage sale (of course 😊).  She said she thought she should have her very own knight in shining armor.  Well, when you put it that way, all of the sudden it's a pretty cool idea, right? 😁😁😁

So when Granny eventually passed away one of the things I asked to have was her statue of Sir Lancelot.  Now, don't get me wrong, he was still very ugly, but I had a plan for that.  I spray painted him in a shiny solid gold and then draped him with a few golden necklaces (the necklaces came from my Granny's costume jewelry box)

Now he is fabulous and looks right at home in my closet!


Now for another Granny story:
Once at an antique sale I saw this absolutely gorgeous statue lamp that was about 5 feet tall.  The statue was a beautiful Greek/ Roman lady (I love Greek/ Roman pillars and statues) and the entire thing was gold.  Perfect for me, right?!  Well, almost, she was $400 and didn't even work anymore! πŸ˜•

So I passed up the statue, but I told Granny all about her the next time I saw her.  Granny was just as impressed with my description and claimed that she would have spent the $400 just to have the statue!  Granny never spent that kind of money on anything that wasn't  really needed, so I never forgot the conversation 😊

Fast forward about 10 years later and guess what I found while treasure hunting last month?!?!?!?!  That's right, I found my beautiful lamp-lady statue!!!!  This one is smaller, intended for use on a table top, and was painted realistically, but still - it's her!!!  Annnnnnd.....she was only $3 😎

Of course I brought her home and fixed her up, take a look:

As Purchased

Here you can see the lamp with the original painting - ok, but not 'me'.
(I removed the lamp hardware from the back before taking the photo)

She's so pretty! ❤

After a coat of gold paint.

So. Much. Better. πŸ˜€

This photo was taken on my kitchen counter, so you can see that even though she is smaller than the lamp from the antique sale, she's still a pretty decent sized statue.

And with a bit of Jewelry.

Now she is perfect, and definitely 'me'!

I decided to name the statue 'Helen' after Helen of Troy from Greek Mythology and because my Granny's first name was Helen.  So now I have two awesome statues in my closet, and they both remind me of my Granny - Score!


I hope you enjoyed this home decor/ treasure hunting post, thanks for stopping by!

© Jennifer Adams Flowers 2017

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