Saturday, April 8, 2017

Thrifting Haul!

Around the middle of February I tend to get really tired of winter and ready for spring.  Not just for the sunshine and warmer weather, but the garage sales of course!  Since I still had weeks of winter to get through, I decided to take a couple of trips to the local Good Will stores (this past February and March) to help hold me over 😄

Now I can't remember the prices of each item, but I can tell you that they ranged between $2 & $4 with many of them being half off for 'color of the week'.

What is the color of the week?  Good Will merchandise is marked with a color tag; red, blue, yellow, green or black with one of the colors being half off each week.  Look for the sign when you walk in the store to know which color is currently half off the marked price 😉

And now, check out my finds:

  An artificial boxwood, decorative letter and plaster molding.

Right now I'm trying to decide if the boxwood is for Spring, everyday or back porch decor.  I'm sure it will probably end up as all three before it's over with 😁

The big letter H is stashed with my crafts while I decide who to give it to and the decorative molding is in a 'future' box.  That means that I love it, but don't currently have a place to use it 😉

Candle Sconces

These are also in my future box.  
Shhh, I don't have a collecting problem, this is all just good planning 😎

Mixing Bowels

These ivy printed Corelle bowls match the everyday plates and bowels that we use at the table.  I'm not sure how I'll use them - I have glass bowels to keep all of our fruit washed and ready to eat in the fridge and I prefer plastic bowls for mixing - but I had to have these because the remind me of my Granny as she bought me our table set.

Faux Artichokes

Artificial artichokes are something I didn't already have so when I saw a bag of them I was like, "Yep, need those." 😁

Milk Glass

I was really excited to find the baking dishes.  I have a ton of decorative milk glass already, so I think it's absolutely time to start collecting functional pieces as well 😉

Update:  I now eat my nightly popcorn snack out of a vintage milk glass bowl 😏


And that is how I made it through the last few harrowing weeks of winter.  I hope you enjoyed my thrifting haul, thanks for stopping by!

© Jennifer Adams Flowers 2017

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